Chat Buddy Pro


Office Address

6701 Koll Center Parkway, #250 Pleasanton, CA 94566

160 Bovet Road, Suite # 101, San Mateo, CA 94402 USA

Contact Info

Phone: +1 408 365-4638


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Chat Buddy Pro is a state-of-the-art application to build customized AI chatbots. You can train it on your personalized data and add widget using your own branding to your to your websites to answer any questions from your data.
Your data can be a Word document (.doc or .docx) or in a PDF document or text file. It can in the form of descriptions or question answers. Chat Buddy Pro also supports spreadsheets. If you have a structured spreadsheet, with multiple rows and columns, Chat Buddy Pro’s spreadsheet bot can let you retrieve data from the spreadsheet by asking questions in natural language. You can also upload data in plain text.
At Chat Buddy Pro, we are very serious about data privacy. Your data is stored in secure Amazon S3 buckets and our database is hosted on AWS servers. Please read our Privacy Policy for more details.
Yes, we are using Open AI’s GPT models for the conversations. This is the same technology behind Chat GPT
The free, starter and premium plans use gpt-turbo-3.5. However, you can access gpt-4 with our Pro Plan
Its simple! Just log-in to our app, navigate to “My Chatbots”, Click “Add New Chatbot” button, upload your data source and click “Create Chatbot’ button. Your chatbot is ready to use! You can preview the behavior of the chatbot using “Preview Chatbot” or you can directly add it to your website for users to interact with it by copying the script from “Add bot to your site” section into your html page.
Once you have created your chatbot, navigate to “Add bot to site” link from the left navigation bar, copy the script provided there and add it to your HTML page. Your chatbot should start appearing on your website.
Navigate to “Widget Settings” from the left navigation of the Admin Dashboard and you can change colors and set icons for the widget. (Note: you might need to clear your cache for the changes to appear on the widget).
Yes, all our chatbots are multilingual. You can upload documents in any language and talk to them in any language of your choice.
Please navigate to Bot Settings in the Admin Dashboard and add your instructions to Base Prompt in Open AI to give a persona to your chatbot or to tell it to behave in a specialized way.
You can view chat history through the Admin Dashboard.
Please navigate to My Chatbots, move your mouse over the chatbot you wish to delete and click the delete icon that appears at the top right of the chatbot’s name.
Of course! You can chat with your document by creating a chatbot and talking to it using the Preview Chatbot option right from the Admin Dashboard. You don’t even need to have a website for that!
Please create a chatbot, go to “Access Control” and select private. Now you can chat with your document through Preview Chatbot option but the embedded will not be visible to anyone who visits your website.
For now, Chat Buddy Pro only processes text from your documents. But watch out for our future versions for graphs, images and tables support!
No, for now Chat Buddy Pro’s spreadsheet bot can only read the first tab of a spreadsheet
Conversations are counted on a per month basis. You can renew your subscription to reset the conversation counter or it will get reset automatically when a new month begins.
You can still access your chatbot after cancelling your subscription till the subscription’s original validity date. All your chatbots will be deleted once that date is reached and you will automatically get subscribed to our free plan.
We do not provide a free trial but we do have a free tier that allows a user to create one chatbot and try out all our features.
We accept all globally accepted credit cards.